Sunday, February 21, 2010

Golden-rumped Lion Tamarin

What is the scientific name of the Golden-rumped lion tamarin?
Their scientific name is Leontopithecus Chrysopygus.

What about the golden-rumped lion tamarin?
They're located in Brazil and are located in parts of the Atlantic Forest. The biome of which they live in is Tropical decidous forest. Their habitat are the rainforests of Eastern Brazil. The Golden-rumped lions tend to sleep in the tree holes for protection. Trees are a need in their ecosystem.Their population now is 1,000 worldwide. In the year 1972 there was about 100. There has been a change in population for it has increased but now due to human impacts its numbers are decreasing. Deforestation is the cause for the loss of the population. Hunting is also another factor to its loss.

What if they didn't have sharp claws?
Well then, they wouldn't have been able to climb/grip onto branches and also dig for insects which are one of their sources of food.

Parental Care?
Well, the offspring is dependent on the adults. For 2-3 weeks the offspring stays with their mother then after the 2-3weeks the father takes charge of them. The father is responsible to bring the young to their mother for feeding time. Mating occurs between the months of September and March. Females tend to mate with more than one male so that their offspring can be taken care of by more than one adult male.Their gestation period is about 125-132 days. They can have up to four offspring but on average, two.

Are they herbivores, carnivores or omnivores?
Golden-rumped lions are omnivores. Most of the time they eat insects and fruits and other times they'd eat small lizards,birds, bird eggs and even vertebrates that are small in size. They are known to be social and spend most of their time within their family group. They can be under primary consumers or secondary consumers for they are omnivores.

Who are few of the predators?
They consist of cats (no, not house cats),such as lions. Snakes are also another predator of them. Golden-rumped lion tamarins are in groups and so they warn eachother of any sign of danger lurking around.

What are the Efforts to Protect the Golden-Rumped Lion Tamarin Species?
Corridors have been made and translocations of the species have taken place. Currently there are 100 of the species captive.

What are corridors?
Corridors allow the connection of natural areas with other wild places. Corridors help prevent the negative effects of inbreeding.

How would I like to save them?
If brochures were made with information such as how endangered they are maybe they'd be more likely to be protected. The Golden-rumped lion tamarins are in the critically endangered list, meaning that they are of extreme risk of becoming extinct.Information as to where you can make donations to save the golden-rumped lion tamarin can also motivate people and give them knowledge as to where and how they can help.

Citations Gray, DG. (2003). Leontopithecus chrysopygus. Retrieved from

Gray, DG. (2003). Leontopithecus chrysopygus. Retrieved from leontopithecus chrysopygus.

(2009). Retrieved from Black lion tamarin feeding.

[Web]. Retrieved from

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